Top 5 Japanese Fruits to Eat in the Fall

Top 5 Japanese Fruits to Eat in the Fall

What fruits are in season in autumn in Japan? Here are some representative fruits, in order of earliest in season.

Top 5 Japanese Fruits to Eat in the Fall

What fruits are in season in autumn in Japan? Here are some representative fruits, in order of earliest in season.

Best Seasonal Flavor / Satsumaimo ( Sweet Potato)

Best Seasonal Flavor / Satsumaimo ( Sweet Potato)

The Satsumaimo season has arrived in Japan!

Best Seasonal Flavor / Satsumaimo ( Sweet Potato)

The Satsumaimo season has arrived in Japan!

You can see your ancestors' spirits? / Obon Holiday

You can see your ancestors' spirits? / Obon Hol...

In Japan, there is a period called Obon.

You can see your ancestors' spirits? / Obon Hol...

In Japan, there is a period called Obon.

The Best Morning at Japanese Coffee Shop “Kissaten”

The Best Morning at Japanese Coffee Shop “Kissa...

It is fair to say that there are two types of cafes in Japan.

The Best Morning at Japanese Coffee Shop “Kissa...

It is fair to say that there are two types of cafes in Japan.

Like a jewel! Best 5 Cream Sodas

Like a jewel! Best 5 Cream Sodas

We will introduce five cafes where you can enjoy "cream soda".

Like a jewel! Best 5 Cream Sodas

We will introduce five cafes where you can enjoy "cream soda".

This is the one! to get you through the hot summer season!

This is the one! to get you through the hot sum...

Today, I would like to share 土用の丑の日(Doyo no Ushi no Hi)  or “The Midsummer Day of the Ox”

This is the one! to get you through the hot sum...

Today, I would like to share 土用の丑の日(Doyo no Ushi no Hi)  or “The Midsummer Day of the Ox”