June Brides/Japanese Style Wedding

June Brides/Japanese Style Wedding

It is the season of June brides. Even though June is a rainy season in Japan, June Brides are still popular. The reason why is because of this superstition that...

June Brides/Japanese Style Wedding

It is the season of June brides. Even though June is a rainy season in Japan, June Brides are still popular. The reason why is because of this superstition that...

What we can do for the earth and you / Free shipping on all orders

What we can do for the earth and you / Free shi...

At iimono, we aim not only to enrich your life with our products, but also to provide you with opportunities to care for the environment.

What we can do for the earth and you / Free shi...

At iimono, we aim not only to enrich your life with our products, but also to provide you with opportunities to care for the environment.

3of Japanese favorite preserves / “Ume Work”

3of Japanese favorite preserves / “Ume Work”

What is “梅仕事” Ume work?

3of Japanese favorite preserves / “Ume Work”

What is “梅仕事” Ume work?

Learn with us : 梅雨(Tsuyu)

Learn with us : 梅雨(Tsuyu)

Japan has a special season called the “Tsuyu”-rainy season-. What is it?

Learn with us : 梅雨(Tsuyu)

Japan has a special season called the “Tsuyu”-rainy season-. What is it?

5 Reasons : Why Choose Paulownia Products

5 Reasons : Why Choose Paulownia Products

Why has paulownia wood been popular for so long?

5 Reasons : Why Choose Paulownia Products

Why has paulownia wood been popular for so long?

Things that will surprise you in Japan / Alley

Things that will surprise you in Japan / Alley

Japanese roads are narrow. But how narrow?

Things that will surprise you in Japan / Alley

Japanese roads are narrow. But how narrow?