Yes, Let's go to Kyoto!

Yes, Let's go to Kyoto!

清水寺 -Kiyomizu Temple- A very popular sightseeing spot in Kyoto. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Japan, both at national and international levels.

Why do people love Kiyomizu Temple so much?

First of all, you can enjoy the unique streetscape of Kyoto!✨

There are many ways to get there, but personally I recommend getting off at Shijo station and walking!🚶‍♂️🚃

There are many stores lined up before reaching Kiyomizu-dera Temple. You can absolutely enjoy the cafe, souvenir shop, restaurant and much more! 


On the way, must stop at a soba noodle restaurant to recharge our energy💪

The handmade soba noodles are smooth and easy on the stomach😌

We can’t help stopping by stores and small temples! That's so cool.

You should have Dango as a snack time !

Maybe you can find  people wearing kimonos here and there.👘✨ Beautiful!

After a 30-minute walk, you will arrive at Kiyomizu-dera Temple.

You could hear English, Korean, Vietnamese, and many other languages.

You can tell that there are many tourists from overseas.


The view of the city of Kyoto from Kiyomizu-Dera Temple is excellent💖

Kiyomizu-dera Temple shows various faces in each season. 

You should find your favorite season🌸🌴🍂⛄


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