The most delicious day in Japan? / Tanabata

The most delicious day in Japan? / Tanabata

Tanabata is a traditional event celebrated in Japan every year on July 7th. This day is named after the tale of Orihime, the weaver princess, and Hikoboshi, the cowherd star. According to legend, Orihime was a skilled weaver, and Hikoboshi was a prince who came riding on a bird across the Milky Way.

They fell in love and got married but were separated by the vast river in the sky. They are said to reunite only once a year, on the night of Tanabata. 

During the Tanabata festival, people write their wishes on colorful strips of paper called "tanzaku" and hang them on bamboo branches.

It is believed that Orihime and Hikoboshi will receive these wishes and make them come true. The wishes written on the tanzaku vary from love and health to academic success and more. Festive decorations and lanterns adorn the festival venues, creating a vibrant and enchanting atmosphere.

Tanabata is a joyful event for families, couples, and especially children.

On July 7, stores that sell sweets sell desserts with a limited Tanabata menu🍨. At home, people also prepare Tanabata-themed meals and enjoy Tanabata celebrations with their families 🎋.



Here are some examples of Tanabata-related meals and desserts !


This is a lovely decoration of Soumen noodles. Soumen noodles with ingredients cut into star shapes and Soumen noodles made to look like the Milky Way are a classic Tanabata menu item🌠



This is a bit of a gorgeous decoration. Even if it doesn’t have decorations directly related to Tanabata, just having a different and gorgeous menu can make you feel special✨


These jelly are inspired by the night sky. Desserts with a cool atmosphere like this are also very popular on Tanabata Day. Children will surely be happy🌌

Thus, Japanese love to decorate their meals and desserts prettily for events. The careful and delicate techniques peculiar to the Japanese are utilized in many places. When you visit Japan, you too can enjoy an original meal for each seasonal event 🎋!

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